7 Cups of Tea: Free Online Chat with an Active Listener or Therapist

Introducing the free mental health resource 7 Cups of Tea to anyone who hasn’t heard of them before.

If you need someone to talk to, any time, this is a great website to save in your favorites. All chats are anonymous, and you can either connect to the first available listener or find someone who fits your needs from their list of therapists and listeners.

 Free, anonymous, and confidential conversations. All sessions are deleted.



7 Cups of Tea is a safe, non-judgmental online space to talk it out with trained active listeners. You can even connect with a therapist or active listener whose specialties are of interest to you or your particular situation. There is also group support if that is more your style.

7 Cups also offers a set of thorough self help guides to consult, including self-help for chronic pain, as well as for anxiety, college life, and even one for entrepreneurs who are struggling with their start up companies. There are a wide variety of topics covered, you may be surprised to see a self-help guide for something you thought not that many people struggled with. They keep an expanding library of articles about specific mental health topics, such as this post on Mindfulness.

There is a lot to see on this website, and a lot to remind us about basic self-care during the tougher times in our lives. The self-help guides might seem repetitious for spoonies and those living with chronic pain, but our mind plays tricks on us when we are at our lowest, and the simplest of ways to practice self-compassion and healing slip through our fingers. That’s why it’s a useful website to bookmark and visit often, even when you’re not planning to chat with an active listener. I have added 7 Cups of Tea to my Chronic Illness Resources Page. Any online resource like this is just fabulous, and this is one of the best I have found. Plus, it’s FREE, and free is an awesome price. Especially for those of us who are prohibited from working by our illness or pain. Stock-Image-Separator-GraphicsFairy11

Volunteer Opportunity Alert:

If you’re looking for a volunteer opportunity that you can do any time from home, this may be perfect for you! They are always looking for new Active Listeners to train so that more people can receive one on one attention.

Click here to begin the sign up process



If anyone has any suggestions for self-help websites or free online therapy, please leave the URL below in a comment and it will be added to my Chronic Illness Resources Page.

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About Jessi Finds Out Fibro

Hi, and thank you for finding your way to my corner of the web! I'm on a journey to empower myself and hopefully others through shared courage and compassion. I write Finding Out Fibro, a chronic illness and chronic pain awareness blog that is not just about fibromyalgia, as well as my main passion and only employment, making jewelry and selling gems and crystals under the Etsy shop name MineralismCrystals. Please check me out at the following URL: mineralismcrystals.etsy.com/ and share if you can! Thank you for your support! My other hobbies include defeating ableism where I find it, upcycling old junk into funky awesomeness, raising my voice to combat stigma against invisible illness and mental illness, baking and collecting vintage kitchen ware, sharing body-positive messages, playing around in photoshop, abstract painting (especially in neons and metallics!), advocating for those living with chronic illnesses and mental health challenges, seeking safety and upholding visibility for LGBTQIA+ individuals, especially those of us living with physical and mental disabilities. This is my opportunity to do more than just survive with chronic illness. This is me learning how to live well, even though there is no cure for the war my body is waging on me.

27 responses to “7 Cups of Tea: Free Online Chat with an Active Listener or Therapist”

  1. Josh Wrenn says :

    Thank you for posting this. We need it here at my house on this day.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Jessi Finds Out Fibro says :

      You are very, very welcome. I’m sorry things are so rough right now, hopefully your household is brought back to peace soon. I wasn’t going to post it today, but then I realized that when I need help, I need it yesterday, not tomorrow. Sending you good vibes and calming thoughts!

      Liked by 2 people

      • Josh Wrenn says :

        Thank you. My wife is actually having the rougher of it. Too many years of having to be strong for me have taken a toll. Now that things are calming down and physically looking up, parts of her are telling her to rest and parts of her are telling her she can’t. So I’m trying to convince her it’s okay and I can handle things right now. I read that to her out loud. The timing of your post was perfect as I was trying to find the words to explain that to her.

        Liked by 2 people

        • Jessi Finds Out Fibro says :

          I love that you know that she needs the rest, and you are acknowledging it out loud. That is amazing. I hope for her sake that she can relax and allow you to take on some of her burden. I have been in both shoes, and when it’s time to step down for a minute and take care of yourself, there is no putting it off or worse things happen. She sounds like a really incredible woman, I am glad you have each other’s backs through everything.

          Liked by 2 people

          • Josh Wrenn says :

            Thank you, there is honestly no way I could have gotten to this point without her, so I hope to do the same for her.

            Liked by 2 people

            • Martha Diane Eaves says :

              My psychotherapist told me about a group for women who were sexually abused as a child. I called the facilitator and she was very friendly, I told her of my situation and she said I could join the group. Well the first meeting they asked me to share a bit of my life to them. I told them I was sexually abused by three uncles and two cousins and because of this I suffer from severe PTSD with DID and major depressive disorder. The group asked me what DID was and I explained it to them. We went on with the group with other people sharing things. It seemed to go well. The next week the facilitator called me 3 hours before group and told me with my DID I was not a good fit for the group. I spiraled out of control and became suicidal. I felt like a misfit, broken, useless, hurt, unfit to be around anyone and very much alone and deserted. I have never been fired from a group. I just wanted to die. My dear husband has been through this with me for the last 22 years when I was diagnosed of our almost 38years of marriage. He has learned a lot and knows what to do to help me. I refused to go to the psyc. Hospital. But I did text my therapist and told her what happened, she was very angry at how I was treated. How can I get over this, it just eats at me, and I feel worthless.

              Liked by 1 person

            • Josh Wrenn says :

              I hope that you can. That is not right at all for someone with mental illness of one kind to stigmatize someone who might also have another. Bad group. I bet there is an online forum somewhere for people with DID that may help you. I follow another blogger with DID and so you are not alone.

              Liked by 1 person

  2. pattyalcala says :

    Thank you for putting this up. I will put it on my blog also.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Jessi Finds Out Fibro says :

      Thank you for sharing it around! I just learned of this service, and it was funny because the minute I knew about it, people were asking for free online counseling all around me and I realized maybe this deserved it’s own blog post, and that it needed to be on my resources page, right away. I’m glad to find and share things like this, it’s why I wanted a blog in the first place. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

      • pattyalcala says :

        I hope that you would be able to use something from my blog at some time. We have a common reason for our blogs, to bring awareness to people’s needs.

        Liked by 2 people

        • Jessi Finds Out Fibro says :

          I think we definitely do have similar aims. I would love to reblog your research and writing, and I promise I will! First, I need to catch a break in the middle of launching the skincare business I’m trying to get up and running at wildoregon.wordpress.com. I’ve only been posting here when I get a tiny second in between working on all the social media accounts for that and taking and editing photos and making the first large batches to sell of each recipe we have decided on. That’s a lot more than I usually try to make myself do in short period of time, so I have to ration my energy. I’ve been terrible about reading blogs that I normally read every post of, like yours! I will be around and reading avidly again soon, as soon as I get a little bit more than just the one post up on Wild Oregon. It’s totally embarrassing to have an empty website. 😀

          Liked by 2 people

          • pattyalcala says :

            You don’t have to be sorry. I definitely understand how hard this time must be for you. I am happy about your skincare products and wish you all of the luck in the world. Just make sure that you take care of yourself. 😊

            Liked by 2 people

  3. pattyalcala says :

    Reblogged this on I Am Not Sick Boy and commented:
    Reblogging this for all of you that need to remind themselves to be kind to themselves.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Moongazer says :

    This is definitely worth reblogging 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Moongazer says :

    Reblogged this on Chaos, Cats and Chronic Pain and commented:
    This sounds like an amazing resource to have access to!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. oscarrelentos says :

    Tremendous post, it’s great to raise awareness for resources like these. And that quote at the start was something I definitely needed to hear today. Wish you nothing but the best!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. cornfedcontessa says :

    Reblogged this on cornfedcontessa and commented:
    What a great idea! We could all use someone to talk to.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. abodyofhope says :

    What an awesome concept for anyone who needs someone to talk to, or for those compassionate hearts who are willing to volunteer their time. I love it! Thank you for always researching things that will help your readers. xoxo

    Liked by 2 people

    • Jessi Finds Out Fibro says :

      Thank you Mary, I’m so grateful that so many people took away something valuable from the info, in one form or another. I wish I could be this useful and informative in every post, but sometimes I just want to whine, lol, so that’s probably not gonna happen soon.
      I would love to volunteer for them, but I worry I wouldn’t have enough mental energy to do that, run the business, work on the blog, be in love, and still have time for the amazing friendships that mean so much to me.

      Liked by 1 person

      • abodyofhope says :

        Don’t worry, even though you might not publish research in every post, each of yours are full of insight, wisdom, and so much courage. Keep posting for you.
        Have a blessed weekend,
        Peace xo

        Liked by 1 person

        • Jessi Finds Out Fibro says :

          aw, wow, I needed to see this right now. I feel like everything just fell apart. i need to take the pressure off and start over again, kind of, if that makes sense. I guess I just put too many expectations on myself and got scared of falling flat of those, and then got overwhelmed, and then couldn’t focus enough to do anything from start to finish, or even start most things… it’s been one frustrating week, for sure. Love you, thank you for being so supportive darling. You always seem to know when it’s an emergency.
          I hope your weekend is as well.
          ❤ ❤ ❤

          Liked by 1 person

          • abodyofhope says :

            Oh no, not an emergency! I hope you are ok.
            We are always on a similar wavelength with our thoughts…
            I’m in the process of writing a post about how I took on too much when I started to feel well this past year, and then after so many set backs it all has crumbled. Stepping back from everything for a time is helping me to find my voice again. I don’t mean with writing, but with everything. Not being able to focus after POTS got so much worse was the biggest problem. I know most of the ppl in my life don’t understand that, but if you have 20 unfinished drafts on the same topic, you definitely know! lol. I hope taking some pressure off of yourself helps to give you some clarity as well. I’m learning in my life, there is a season for everything. And some seasons are for listening and taking in more than expending and giving out. New concept for me!
            I hope you are on the mend soon and you have someone with you during this tough time, my friend. Much love to you xoxox


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